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We are located at :

Piccadilly Nursery School
Mohammed Bin Zayed City,
Zone 19,
Abu Dhabi, UAE.

T: +971 25 53 79 56
F: +971 25 53 45 69
M: +971 503 140 058

The british nursery that offers superior child care facility

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What is Piccadilly

Welcome to Piccadilly, a British nursery where we lay down the basic foundations for your precious ones. Be fully assured that, at Piccadilly, your child's journey will be filled with lots of fun, discovery, learning, investigation, and exploration.

Why Piccadilly

We offer a warm and welcoming environment where children are nurtured and motivated to become champions.

The values that we follow are :

A Unique Child

A Unique Child

Every child is unique and needs constant guidance to become resilient, capable, confident, and independent.

Enabling Environments

Enabling Environments

The development of a child is accelerated in an environment that encourages learning from experiences.

Positive Relationships

Enabling Environments

Children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships.

Learning and


Learning is done in different ways and at different rates. Our teaching techniques therefore take care of the intricate educational needs of children, including those of differently abled students.

All of these activities incorporate learning through play and mastering of skills that are appropriate for each age group in classrooms, activities centres or outdoor playing areas.

Our Theme

We have integrated fun and play into all aspects of the program, allowing learning and development to occur naturally. Our theme is intended to facilitate child development at every child’s personal developmental pace.

Our activities are meticulously designed and a typical day at Piccadilly includes:

  • A sanitization & sterilization process to ensure that the stuff & facility is infection-free.
  • At the start of the day a warm and friendly welcome will be waiting for your child in one of the entertainment rooms.
  • During the day the class teacher will encourage and guide your child’s interest in all areas of the curriculum.
  • Adult led arts and crafts, reading, pretend, puzzles, cutting, cooking, dance and listening to a wide range of music, stimulating the child’s senses with colours and sounds form all walks of life.
  • Children will be given opportunities to lead in free play in the safe, spacious and secure enclosure of our playground or entertainment rooms.
  • There will be dedicated snack times for each classroom to promote healthy hygiene habits, manners and nutritional knowledge.
  • Nap time that allows the children to rest and encourages self-regular habits.
  • As the day comes to an end activity will be arranged in one of the entertainments rooms whilst waiting for the children to be collected.
Our Vision

Our vision is to provide a high quality, an innovation packed, and activity based pre-schooling, together with world-class facilities fused with fun-learning, enabling young minds to realize their full potential.


To provide quality and consistency, so that every child makes commendable progress and no child gets left behind.

To provide a sturdy foundation through various activities and teaching techniques that are planned around the needs and interests of every individual, which are also assessed and reviewed regularly.

To promote effective partnerships between our facilitators and parents.

To ensure equity, so that every child is engaged and supported.